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  • Torch Coffee Labs 224 Southeast 2nd Avenue Portland, OR, 97214 United States (map)


Typically there is a level 2 class for roasting and sensory. Each one of these classes offers different and important skills in your coffee expertise. However, on May 3 - May 6 we are offering these classes together as a bundle! Over 4 days you will walk away with techniques for roasting and sensory. We highly recommend taking this course after you have taken the level 1 class! Below is what you can expect to learn from this bundle :


  • •Optimizing roast profiles (full roast profiling method to achieve a perfect roast for a particular bean and/or extraction method). Business application.

    •Advanced sensory analysis for master roasters (identifying subtle aroma and flavor changes through roast profiles). Business application.

    •Advanced analysis or roast logs (identification of thermal equilibrium point, interpretation of ROR before and after first crack, assessing recovery time). Scaling up roast profiles. Business application.


-More in depth than the Q course. Full theory and extensive practicing and testing. Oriented to quality controllers, master roasters, researchers, and other experienced coffee professionals. 

•Specialty coffee and sensory evaluation of quality.

•General physical inspection, roasting, brewing and review cupping protocols and


•Physical inspection and grading systems. Odor, color and homogeneity, shape, size,

moisture content and drying quality, density, and grading.

•Chemistry of aroma precursors in coffee and their role in flavor integration.

•Practice with aroma vials and descriptors.

•Calibration in intensity and complexity of fragrance-aroma and use of aroma descriptors. •Theory and practice of aromatic taints and defects.

•Theory of taste precursors; origin, perception threshold and taste dynamics. •Identification of 5 basic tastes and calibration on intensity and quality.

•Taste modulation theory and exercises.

•Theory and practice of texture.

•Flavor modulation by polyphenols and fats in coffee.

•Cupping different processing methods and different species, improved catimor hybrids

and Arabica varietals.

•Cupping skills testing: precision (finding the right grade), calibration (deviation from the

group), consistency (scoring the same sample consistently), spread (save cupping) and defect detection.

Price: Each class is 2 days and is offered individually at $499 or offered as a two-class bundle for $699

Instructor: Nitlon Perez - A coffee farmer from Guatemala that holds a hundred-year-old coffee legacy

Torch Coffee Lab
224 SE 2nd Ave
Portland, OR 97214

This course is 4 days. 

Later Event: May 31
SCI Café Core Series